At the campus Sint-Lukas in Brussels, a hybrid workshop took place. A mix of experts with different backgrounds participated half a day in a hybrid setting, some on campus, some from home. We welcomed futurists, art school policy makers, art school lecturers, designers, artists (some of the participants belonging to two or more of these categories). The mix of profiles generates interesting conversations.
A day later we welcomed LUCA’s ‘inhabitants’: students, lecturers, researchers, administrative and technical personnel, … Kai guided a big group (about 50 participants!) through a process that combined ‘classic’ Futures exploration tools and methods with more creative-associative activities. At the end of the day, the participants looked back happily. It almost felt as a luxury to be able to spend a full day of discussing, tinkering and pondering on what it means to be part of an arts school, and what that arts school may (or should?) be like in the future.
Having participants actually make a future jump rather than just reflecting on today and what is desirable is quite challenging.

Bringing people together and ‘giving’ them the luxury of time brings much value to the participants.