EASA Apathy Residency - Estonia

The European Architecture Students Assembly (EASA) is a non-profit network of architecture students.
The network organises summer schools for students, which take place in different locations all over Europe. As described on the EASA website, the students live together as a self-maintained “utopian community”, with the purpose of experiencing alternative education. “EASA gives a chance to experience architecture in a way that universities are yet not providing. Bringing students to a certain context, defined by the location and theme of the assembly, where they have to raise architectural questions themselves and investigate them through the eyes of all European cultures simultaneously. Being their own educators, students then elaborate the answers and bring them to reality.”
In 2020 the summer school’s name was “Apathy Residency” and took place in Valga, Estonia. The goal of the summer school is described on the EASA website as follows: “Apathy residency is a local EASA event mainly targeted towards building a stronger architecture student community in the Baltic region. The residency welcomes everyone curious about space and holds several workshops, lectures and activities on the topics Valga has to offer.”

For more information
Network Website: https://www.easanetwork.org/home
the 2020 summer school: https://www.easanetwork.org/easa-2020-ws/EASA-Apathy-Residency
Instagram of the project: https://www.instagram.com/easaestonia/