Region 4.0, Uckermark – Barnim – Uecker-Randow Region, Germany

The Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Germany is part of a local innovation network region 4.0.
The project region 4.0 is situated in a rural area 100 km from Berlin.
As part of this project, the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF collaborates with local schools and teachers to develop participatory and visual communication projects. Children and teenagers from the local region present various local innovations in videos or podcasts. They are moderators, interviewers or reporters. The teenagers develop storylines in cooperation with experts from the Film University. Through such an experience, they are empowered to become local communicators of the innovations. The goal of region 4.0 is to support identity-creating innovation culture in the rural region.
Find a more detailed description of the project (in german language):