Spiral Garden - Toronto, Canada

This project focused on creating “an inclusive leisure space in Spiral Garden, an arts-mediated outdoor summer day program for children with and without disabilities” (Smart et al. 2018). It shows how service providers use arts-mediated methods. Spiral Garden is an integrated outdoor art, garden and play program “situated in the ‘backyard’ of a large pediatric rehabilitation hospital located in an urban setting” (ibid.). The activities, staff members and the garden space aim at creating an engaging, fun and inclusive experience for the children.
This article describes how service providers use a set of practical strategies to create an inclusive leisure space in Spiral Garden, an arts-mediated outdoor summer day program for children with and without disabilities.

Project Website: https://hollandbloorview.ca/services/programs-services/spiral-garden
The study by Smart et al. 2018: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2016.1250122
Smart, Eric et al. 2018. “Creating
an inclusive leisure space: strategies used to engage children with and without disabilities in the arts-mediated program spiral garden.” Disabil Rehabil 40, no. 2: 199–207.https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2016.1250122.