In the face of a global ecological crisis, the devastating effects of climate change and the ongoing extinction of more and more endangered species due to human influence, the issue of sustainability has become an increasingly urgent matter. But what exactly does sustainability mean and what do we need to approach sustainable futures? There are critics saying that individual actions in specific areas that promote sustainable action are no longer enough. There needs to be a fundamental shift in thinking, a cultural shift, if we are to live in balance with the planet and other inhabitants - if we want to stop climate change and continue to live on earth. What might such a cultural shift look like and what roles can artists and art institutions play in this change?
This text examines different aspects of sustainability and
how artists and institutes of higher arts education (IHAE) can contribute to an understanding of sustainability while helping to initiate a cultural paradigm shift that will lead us to possible sustainable and climate-just futures.

Creative interpretation of the topic "The Arts and a Cultural Change Towards Sustainability".